Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Antelope Wife: Point of Interest

        While reading the first half of the novel I came to a particular passage that was riddled with contradictions. Although the concepts being compared cannot match there is a plane that these can seem to exist. An eerie plane I personally feel that I can understand. This passage is where Blue Prairie Woman is still searching for her lost daughter, in a desperate attempt to salvage her sanity her tribe renames her Other Side of the Earth cannot give up the search. When she finally decides to go and follow a path she believes will give her the relief and discovery of her daughter. 

      With the limbo of the changing names Other Side of the Earth can only exist is such a limbo but gives her a specific location, "Her mind was present because she was always gone. Her hands filled because they grasped the meaning of empty. Life was simple," (14). Where could her mind be present if it was always gone? I believe this is in reference to the west, her mind was always in the west, always towards death and woe. Her hands are filled with loss and torment over a mother losing a child and unknowing of the fate of the child, hence the emptiness of the missing link. Life here does not seem at all simple but very mucky and deep into the emotions and feelings that rules this woman. 

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